This will be the year of a major publishing event in our family. October 24, 2015 is the official publication date of a children’s picture book with truly unique, vibrant illustrations by the artist, Mia Hocking. Mia is a very good friend of mine, and that’s why I’m publishing this post on my blog. She has launched a fundraiser at in order to have the book published. I want to ask you to consider contributing to her fundraiser. I just made my own donation, and I invite you to join me!
I wrote the text for this new book. I’m a journalist and author, as you know, and also a grandparent and Baby Boomer. For several years, I wanted to create a book that children will enjoy, while helping them learn the days of the week. I wanted the book to engage their parents and grandparents as well. With Mia’s work, we accomplished this. Entitled Seven Viking Days, this book explains the authentic, Norse origin of each day’s name, along with their correct sequence. I am so grateful that Mia teamed up with me because her style of artwork brings authenticity to the ancient Scandinavian mythology. You can see what I mean in the slideshow on our fundraiser page at Click on this link:
You’ll be taken directly to our fundraiser page, where you can see the slideshow and read all the details. (If you prefer, you can also go to and then search for “Mia Hocking.”)
You can donate any amount when you click on the big, blue “Donate” button, or choose one of the pre-set amounts along the right-hand side of the page. You could donate once a month through the end of April, or give a one-time gift. You can see that we’ve already raised $497 with only three donors! This is a chance to participate in this publishing event!
Also, please spread the news to all your social network! And ask them to also forward it to all of their social network. Post it on Facebook -- which you have an automatic opportunity to do when you donate. When you make a donation, then you can tell your friends that you’ve already contributed, and invite them to join you! Which is exactly what I am doing: I have already contributed, and I invite you to join us!
You’re also invited to the Launch Party for Seven Viking Days on 10.24.15!
Thank you so much,
. Lee Cuesta .